Glance Scroll is a Vegas Style Subscription Free Sport, Stock, and Life Style Scrolling LED Ticker designed to spruce up any living space or man cave.
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All Your Data Scrolling One Pixel At A Time. Mix and match between Sport Leagues, News, Games, Weather, Finance, Social Media, or even display a custom message or gif to a special someone. There’s limitless options with your GLANCE SCROLL.
GLANCE SCROLL keeps you in the know with 60 second updates across all major sport leagues such as professional and college football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, fighting, racing, golf and much more!
Track what you want, when you want it.
1. Connect your GLANCE SCROLL to your WIFI.
2. Pick your favorite sports teams, stocks, weather, and more.
3. Create lists and schedule times to set it and forget it.
GLANCE Scroll is perfect for any man cave, home theater, or business to give you the ultimate viewing experience.
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Experience live sports, scoring animations, stock quotes, news, weather, trivia, lottery, and much more, all subscription free.
GLANCE Scroll offers a vast array of over 50 data streams, including sports, finance, news, trivia, word of the day, and so much more. Mix and Match between any of our apps with NO LIMITS.
Our service is constantly updated at no extra cost, ensuring you always have access to the latest information and entertainment, subscription-free!
Look what our network of early YouTube partners had to say about GLANCE SCROLL:
GLANCE was established in 2021 with the goal of brining your data to you! Our small business started with a couple drawings and some hardware and has grown to sell over 15,000 units from our original product.
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